
As I lay here at 3 am with him in my arms, I reflect on our time together.

The lowest of lows. The highest of highs. The reason I got out of bed and off the couch. When my heart was shattered, your little paws where the ones that were there and most importantly picked me up.

I never truly understood the attachment to animals until I met him; our souls matched.

The pain of leaving you, is so strong. I will never forget you. I will always love you.

As tears, fall down my face I beg you to never forget your mummy.

I remember the moment when I hit rock bottom, crying on the floor of the shower and you just watching me, making sure that I was protected.

That time, you hissed at a boy I slept with so he left half way through the night.

The times where you would literally jump in the shower with me.

But most importantly, the times where I would ball my heart out and you would come running down to my bedroom and cuddle me all night.

You came into my life for a reason and I am so blessed for that reason only, Oslo.

My son. My baby. My saviour. The reason I survived the break up.

I, thank you. Thank you for the cuddles. Thank you for the comfort. Thank you for the memories.

You will never be forgotten and you’ll forever be in my heart and soul.

As I hand you over to your new mummy, please remember me.

Love, Chloe x

Why my mum is the way she is..

My mum. Although she has caused me more pain than anyone. I can see through it. A quote I live by for myself is “Don’t allow history to repeat itself” In her case, history did repeat itself. Her childhood was horrible, so she decided to make mine just as worse. Which I can understand, as hard as it is.

How my parent treated me as a child is not a reflection of who I am, It’s a reflection of her childhood experiences.

In all my wounded states in life, all I look for is her love. Even unaware that I am doing it at times.

Pshycologists say that, this is because we are operating from the lense of our inner child. The inner child believes a parent is our super human. The inner child still idolises the parent and protects themselves around any reality that parent might be revealed in a way that’s hurtful.

Throughout my life, I have met people with emotionally abusive parents, physically abusive parents, psychiatric abusive parents and even sexually abusive parents. And regardless of age. It is painful.

As we get older we see our parents of what they truely are. I now know who my mum is. She is a flawed human being. Which wasn’t entirely her fault. She was hurt as a child. Not nurtured. Not loved. No support. She then passed that down to me. She protected me against others but all I needed was protection against her and her past.

Anyway, Mum I know you’ve been hurt and your whole 60 years you never was able to get the therapy you needed. But the reason my mum is the way she is today is because she was hurt too and didn’t have the capacity to grow from what happened to her.

I also want to say as flawed as my mum is, she has the side that makes me love her. The funny side. The three seconds I saw in an hour of pain.

If you can relate, let me know.

Love always,

Chlo x

A toxic mother


There is a kind of hurt that can only come from people who are meant to love youperfectgetthat.



Whenyoudarlingmatterhowtryworstcan’t.to.good.can’tget.It’s drowning.overflowing.










Do not worry. You are not finished. This is not it. Nothing is ever set in stone. To be human is to be a constant work in progress. Keep trying. Keep loving. Keep giving. All the good things that make life sing are waiting for you to discover them. All of them. Just for you.

Today’s blog is a blog I never thought I’d make. For me, I was never one to make goals, I never thought of my future or anything I was really passionate about. On the 23rd – to 25th of August this year, I set out on a self growth adventure in Dromana, Victoria. Their were workshops on values, goals and knowing your worth. It was amazing to actually think about long term and short term goals that one day I can say I would have achieved.

My three goals were 

  1. Writing a book – What do I want to achieve from this? I think something I really want to make a big theme of in my life is helping people. I want to write a biography- a book about my life. I would love that the way I have overcome the bad times in my life, could inspire just one person to live their life with a positive attitude or overcome life stresses. 
  2. Creating a business – What kind of business do you want to create and why? I want to create an organisation/business to help provide support to sexual and physical abuse victims. For me being a young girl and having experienced physical and sexual abuse by a Mother and someone I look up to, was very daunting and scary. Something I never thought I’d get through because everyone I spoke to didn’t believe me. So I want to be the person I never had.
  3. Becoming a Child Protective Officer- I want to make a difference! I want to go in and scoop children out of their dangerous familiar environments. I think it is something powerful to help children and be a support to them when they know they need to leave their familiar surrounds but emotionally dont want to. 

These are my goals. I hope this can inspire you to make big goals to one day complete. Even make a step to become closer to the end goal. Maybe for me, write one chapter of my book , put a plan for a business or apply for courses. Gradually growing closer to your goal is all you can do. 

I have faith in you all and believe you can complete anything you set your mind too.