
As I lay here at 3 am with him in my arms, I reflect on our time together.

The lowest of lows. The highest of highs. The reason I got out of bed and off the couch. When my heart was shattered, your little paws where the ones that were there and most importantly picked me up.

I never truly understood the attachment to animals until I met him; our souls matched.

The pain of leaving you, is so strong. I will never forget you. I will always love you.

As tears, fall down my face I beg you to never forget your mummy.

I remember the moment when I hit rock bottom, crying on the floor of the shower and you just watching me, making sure that I was protected.

That time, you hissed at a boy I slept with so he left half way through the night.

The times where you would literally jump in the shower with me.

But most importantly, the times where I would ball my heart out and you would come running down to my bedroom and cuddle me all night.

You came into my life for a reason and I am so blessed for that reason only, Oslo.

My son. My baby. My saviour. The reason I survived the break up.

I, thank you. Thank you for the cuddles. Thank you for the comfort. Thank you for the memories.

You will never be forgotten and you’ll forever be in my heart and soul.

As I hand you over to your new mummy, please remember me.

Love, Chloe x

A toxic mother


There is a kind of hurt that can only come from people who are meant to love youperfectgetthat.



Whenyoudarlingmatterhowtryworstcan’t.to.good.can’tget.It’s drowning.overflowing.









My Broken Pancreas

When I was 2 and a half years old I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. This October it will be 16 years since I was diagnosed, October 21 2003. Diabetes is a huge part of my life but I try to not let it define me. T1D has a bit of a stigma about in the ways, where people think they know the ins and outs of it, but really they don’t. It is no where near close to Type 2 diabetes and it actually is life threatening. For a huge part of my teenage life I tried to deny I had diabetes, I turned a blind eye and turned my back on diabetes, and only 6 or so months of caring for my body I strongly regret what i put my body through. Countless fingerpricks, countless injections, numerous endocronolist appointments, too many hospital admissions. This is my Diabetic Story.

When I was young my parents did most of the injecting for me and then once I got to my early teens they tried to teach me to do it on my own but that’s where it all went down hill..I completely take responsibility as I was and still am a very avoidant teen and didn’t want any responsibilities or accountabilities. All my friends didn’t have a scary illness so why the fuck did I? I would go days, even weeks and in worse cases sometimes even months without testing my BGL (Blood glucose levels) I ended up in hospital on numerous occasions on the verge of going on Dialysis and kidney failure or even amputation all because I basically didn’t care. My dad was going out of his mind.. he loved me so much but love cant fix this. This went on for years… Years of not listening or caring of what other people thought or felt. A doctor once said to me ‘Chloe you’re a ticking time bomb, im just waiting for you to blow up’ I didnt even care about that. My body kept fighting though, although I was killing myself slowly. I then moved into my Godparents home, I still didn’t care. They saw me on the floor of my bedroom laying there, not having an idea in the world what was going on nearly in a coma. Then the next day me not remembering a thing. This confused the hell out of them. Is she using this as an excuse? Is she using this to try and disguise her laziness? They had witnessed some scary sights and been through some difficult nights. We screamed at each other as loud as we could scream. I was frustrated! Why me? Why is this me? and them WHY THE FUCK IS SHE DOING THIS TO HER BODY??? Then, enough was enough. They couldn’t handle it nor could my body.

I went to my endocrinologist, got a CGM and spent a week in hospital. To learn, to absorb and to teach myself. This isn’t a game anymore. The CGM is a monitor that sits on my body testing my blood glucose levels 24/7. Since all the supports have been put into place for me, Its been up from there. My HBA1C is 7.6!!! The best its ever been. I had dreamed of this moment. Aswell as all my supports I put in the work and got the reward, obviously I have my bad days but overall I am great. Diabetes controlled so much on my life my mental health, my relationships, my motivation so much. But now I control it.

To all the Diabetics out there, you got this! I know its dark and I know you just want to scream and tell everyone to F*** OFF but you got this, even if you just do one more injection then yesterday! Its an improvement. I know it gets hard hearing your parents down your throat non stop.. But you can do it. You have so many people helping you along the way. Reach out if you need.

Feel free to contact me whenever you need.

Chloe x